
Workforce Development

Developing statewide, regional, and local workforce training programs and educational partnerships to meet the diverse labor needs of our economy.

Our Impact in the Workforce Development Space

Our Workforce Development efforts have achieved measurable outcomes such as numbers of individuals trained and number of trainees receiving good paying jobs upon completion.


Trained and deployed 10 Compton College students as Digital Navigators, where they provided resources to over 2,500 community members across 35 events throughout South LA in 2023.

$45 Million

Helped secure $45 Million to launch The California Healthy School Food Pathway Program, a first-of-its-kind program to provide workforce training to the school food labor force.

Current Work

Public Sector Apprenticeships

Partnering with Calbright College to establish apprenticeship pathways into public sector careers, with a focus on people from underrepresented and hard-to-employ groups.

Digital Navigators Expansion

Working to secure additional CalVolunteers funding to expand the Compton College pilot program to other colleges and universities across the state.

Oki Park Project

Establishing an urban farm on a six-acre vacant lot that would host workforce training for justice impacted individuals in the areas of farm operations, native habitat management, and ecological field research techniques.

Healthy School Food Pathway Program

Creates a new pipeline for the next generation of school food leaders, from entry-level positions to school food system administrators. These school food professionals will impact millions of children by providing access to freshly prepared, healthy school meals.

Not everyone who seeks job training and new career opportunities has the time or resources to obtain a 2 or 4 year degree. Short-duration, competency based training programs can provide a crucial alternative pathway to family-sustaining jobs, especially for hard-to-employ individuals.
Ken Spence

Ken SpenceSenior Policy Advisor

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