Thank Governor Newsom and Legislators for Saving the California Nutrition Incentive Program (CNIP)

We are excited to tell you that thanks in part to YOUR advocacy efforts, full funding for the California Nutrition Incentive Program (CNIP) was included in the final California state budget! More than 1,150 letters were sent to state leadership, and now, this critical safety-net program will continue to fight food insecurity in our state and support California’s small and mid-sized farmers. THANK YOU for your efforts!

CNIP funds important programs such as Market Match which provides incentives to help California’s low-income families purchase healthy and nutritious foods. It is a powerful tool in the fight against food insecurity and a tremendous economic benefit to California’s most vulnerable populations.

Please email Governor Newsom, Senate Pro Tem Mike McGuire, and Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas to thank them for saving CNIP during these challenging budget times. We have already drafted the email for you; simply sign your name and hit send.